The production team of KBS-2TV's “Music Bank” released a statement on Tuesday titled “Official Position on Real Madrid's Cancellation of ‘Music Bank in Madrid’”.
Initially, KBS was scheduled to hold 'Music Bank in Madrid' on the 12th of next month at Real Madrid's home stadium, Santiago Bernabeu.
However, the concert was abruptly canceled just over a month before it was scheduled to take place. Neighboring residents complained about noise and traffic congestion caused by the concert.
“Real Madrid did not have any prior discussions or requests with the local and Korean organizers before the (related) article appeared,” Music Bank said.
“Six days after the initial announcement of the decision to cancel the concert, Real Madrid has not provided any explanation or apology to the organizers or K-pop fans,” it added.
Above all, global K-pop fans are outraged. Music Bank in Madrid is the largest K-pop event in the world. It was expected to draw 50,000 people.
There was even a petition demanding that the concert be canceled. On ',' a petition was posted in Spanish asking for the event to be allowed to go ahead.
“We are deeply disappointed by Real Madrid's unilateral decision to cancel the concert,” the producers wrote, adding that they ‘cannot accept this unjust decision’ and demanded an official apology.
They called for a practical resolution to the situation. “They must take responsibility for the losses suffered by K-pop fans, K-pop artists, and the damage to the brand image of the ‘Music Bank World Tour’,” they said.
“We strongly request that you work together to resume the performance. The production team has the ability and willingness to make every effort,” they added.
“We are grateful to our fans. We hope that the final negotiations with Real Madrid will be successful and that the dream show can be realized,” they concluded.
The Bernabeu, meanwhile, has been Real Madrid's home since 1947. It was remodeled and reopened last March.