Actor Byeon Woo-seok said his final goodbye to Ryu Seon-jae. He also gave his final greetings to the audience of ‘Lovely Runner’.
tvN's Monday-Tuesday drama 'Lovely Runner' (written by Lee Si-eun, directed by Yoon Jong-ho) ended on the 28th. Based on households in the metropolitan area, it ended with its highest viewership rating of 7.2%.
In the final episode, Ryu Sun-jae (Byeon Woo-seok) regained all the memories of Im Sol (Kim Hye-yoon) after the time slip over 15 years. He reunited with tears in his eyes, leaving a long lasting impression.
Seonjae is no longer dead. Im sol also no longer struggles to save Seonjae. The two people who finally saved each other achieved a happy ending.
On the 29th, his agency Varo Entertainment shared Byeon Woo-seok's thoughts on the end of the show.
His growth in acting skills was also visible. The character's emotions were clearly conveyed. Romance's passion was also outstanding. It was a visual that reminds her of her first love in 15 years, causing a 'Sun-jae Syndrome'.
Byeon Woo-seok said, “Actually, I thought this moment would come, but I didn’t think it would come in an instant like this, so I don’t think it felt real.”
He went on to express his regret, saying, "I lived as Seon-jae for about a year. I still feel sad and have feelings that cannot be expressed in words."
He expressed his sincere feelings, saying, "It was a dream-like work for me. I think it is the most meaningful work. I hope it will be the same for the viewers as well."
Lastly, he said, "I am so grateful to Seon-jae for coming to me. Please show a lot of interest and love to Byun Woo-seok in the future as well. Thank you."
<Photo=Varo Entertainment>
<Translated by=Jisu Kim (Dispatch)>