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'Class of Captain', Son Heung-min's Response to Lee Kang-in's Apology

Lee Kang-in went to London himself. It was on his birthday. Lee Kang-in asked for forgiveness, and Son Heung-min accepted it. 

The 'ping pong incident' launched by Lee Kang-in ended with a happy ending after two weeks. Lee Kang-in posted a long apology on his Instagram early in the morning of the 21st.

Lee Kang-in visited Son Heung-min in London before posting the apology. It is known that he took sincere reflection and wrapped up the conversation warmly. 

"Through long conversations, I understood the weight (Son Heung-min) carried as team captain and had time to look back on myself," he said. 

He also admitted to his fault. "I didn't listen to the advice Heung-min gave me for the sake of unity and only expressed my opinion," he said. "I did something that I should never do at a dinner table." 

He also contacted other players of the national team to ask for forgiveness. "I lacked consideration and respect in my actions when dealing with my seniors and teammates," he said."I promised to correct my behavior."

Son Heung-min also responded to Lee Kang-in's apology with a long post. "Kang-in sincerely reflected on himself and apologized to all the players of the national team, including me," he said. 

He then said, "All our players will take special care of Kang-in so that he will never take any wrong actions again." 

Lee Kang-in was criticized a lot after the 'ping pong' incident. Son Heung-min also said, "Kang-in is going through a very hard time after that."

"Please forgive him with generosity, just once. As the captain of the national team, I ask you to please refrain from making excessive criticism against a young player," he said. 

Finally, Son Heung-min said, "I am sorry for causing such a noisy problem," and promised, "I will try to help the Korean national team grow further with this opportunity in the future." 

Meanwhile, Lee Kang-in caused a stir with the controversy over ping pong during the Asian Cup. When captain Son Heung-min pointed out the problem of attitude, Lee Kang-in responded in an unprovoked way.

When Son Heung-min grabbed Lee Kang-in by the collar, Lee Kang-in fought back. Son Heung-min was also hit in the face by Lee Kang-in's fist. The restaurant turned into a chaos. 

Son Heung-min suffered a dislocated finger in the process. As soon as the bodyguard stopped him, his middle finger got caught in clothings and was bent backwards. This aftermath  affected the match against Jordan.

<Following is Lee Kang-in's Apology>

Hello, this is Lee Kang-in.

At the last Asian Cup, my thoughts and rash actions which weren't thought through enough, caused great disappointment to Heung-min and the whole team as well as the soccer fans.

I came to a conclusion that it was important to visit Heung-min in person and apologize sincerely, and through a long conversation, I understood the weight of the team's captain and took time to look back on myself. I would like to thank Heung-min again through this post for warmly welcoming me in London.

I knew in my head how desperate the match was for Heung-min, but I think all the problems started as I couldn't fully understand the desperation with my heart and with my actions.

In particular, I didn't listen to Heung-min's advices he gave to me as a captain and a fellow teammate for the unity of the team, but only expressed my own opinion.

I did something I should never have done at a dinner table that day. Looking back, it was something I should never have done. I deeply regret these actions.

Even though respect and commitment to the team is the most important thing, I lacked it a lot.

I contacted each of the other seniors and players of the national team and apologized.

I deeply reflect on the lack of consideration and respect in my actions when dealing with my seniors and teammates. I promised to correct my behavior and courtesy in the future.

I would like to thank my team for accepting my apology and embracing it once again through this post.

There are some players who have been criticized together because of my actions and I think I should be responsible for the criticism they're receiving as well.

I truly apologize once again for disappointing our soccer fans, turning myself away from the exemplary appearance and duty that I should have shown as a national player of my country, despite receiving too much expectation and support.

It was an opportunity to remind myself that I was only able to be in my current position because of my seniors, colleagues, and many soccer-loving fans who have rooted and showed support for Korean soccer so far.

I know that the disappointment is as great as the overwhelming love and support that have been given to me.

In the future, I will strive and dedicate more to development as a soccer player but also as a person. 

Sorry, and thank you.

Sincerely, Lee Gang in 

<Following is Son Heung-min's Apology>

Hello, It's Son Heungmin. I'm going to talk about something a little heavy and difficult today.

Kang-in sincerely reflected on himself and made a sincere apology to all the players of the national team, including me.

When I was young, I also made a lot of mistakes and may have showed bad appearance. But I believe the reason I could make achievements to become the person I am today was due to the stinging advice and lessons given from my seniors every time.

The Korean national team, as the senior members of the team and especially myself, as the captain, will take special care of Kang-in so that he can grow into a better person and a better player.

I don't think I did a good job myself and it was reasonable to be criticized as well. However, I believe that it is one of the captain's responsibilities to act in such ways for the team even when it is not necessarily pleasant for myself either. Therefore, I will act for the team even if I am put in the same situation again. However, I will try to lead my team smarter and wiser.

Since then, Kang-in has been going through a hard time. Please forgive him with a generous heart. I beg as the captain of the national team, please.

And some of the stories about the division and 'teaming-up' within the national team has nothing to do with the facts, and we have always tried to look at only one place as a team.

Despite being so overwhelmingly loved and supported by soccer, I sincerely apologize for causing such a problem, and I will try harder to contribute to the growth of the Korean national team through this opportunity.

Once again, I sincerely apologize as the captain of the Korean national team.

<Photo=Son Heung-min and Lee Kang-in's Instagram, KFA>

<Translated by=Jisu Kim (Dispatch)>

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