At midnight on January 11th, JYP Entertainment revealed teaser photos of three members Sana, Mina and Jihyo, ahead of the official unveil. In the following week on January 20th, Twice will release their English single ‘Moonlight Sunrise’ worldwide.
In the teasers, the three members captivate the viewers with their mystical beauty in a dreamy setting. Sana looks directly into the camera deep in thought. Next, Mina is lying down pulling off a dreamy and seductive mood. Lastly, Jihyo’s closeup reveals immaculate skin and doll-like figures.
The song 'Moonlight Sunrise' depicts the ‘moonlight’ and ‘sunrise’ of the early hours, just like the title itself. The simple yet pretty teasers have raised anticipation for the new single.
‘Moonlight Sunrise’ will be dropping the charts on January 20th at 14:00 (KST), and soon after in March, the girl group are planned to release a full new mini album.