Recently on January 3rd, JYP Entertainment made an unexpected announcement to reveal that Twice will be releasing an English single in the upcoming weeks. One week later on the 10th, JYP Entertainment revealed teaser photos of three members Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Momo, ahead of the official unveil. In the following week on January 20th, Twice will release their English single ‘Moonlight Sunrise’ wordwide.
In the teasers, the three members captivate the viewers with their mystical beauty in a dreamy setting. Jeongyeon shows a new short hairstyle, with Nayeon looking graceful and innocent and lastly Momo pulling off a dreamy mood.
The song 'Moonlight Sunrise' depicts the ‘moonlight’ and ‘sunrise’ of the early hours, just like the title itself. The simple yet pretty teasers have raised anticipation for the new single.
Recently, Twice's first English single 'The Feels' was certified gold in the 'RIAA Class Of 2022' announced by RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). The gold certificate is only given to artists who have sold more than 500,000 copies in the US, accounting for album sales, digital downloads as well as audio and video streaming.
‘Moonlight Sunrise’ will be dropping the charts on January 20th at 14:00 (KST), and soon after in March, the girl group are planned to release a full new mini album.