On January 9th, a new upcoming movie titled ‘Tyrant (directed by Park Hoon-Jung) confirmed its cast list of actors Kim Seon-Ho, Cha Seung-Won and Kim Kang-Woo.
‘Tyrant’ tells the story of the last sample of the government’s tyrant program that goes missing in a delivery accident. Kim Seon-Ho plays the role of Director Choi, a government agent who has been secretly running the ‘tyrant’ program. Kim Seon-Ho said, "It is a great honor to play the role of Director Choi, who is a different character from the previous roles I have played.”
Next, Cha Seung-Won takes on the role of a former government agent ‘Lim Sang’ who leads the way into eliminating the forces related to the tyrant program. He said, "I am excited to play a new role and I will try my best to deliver a special character along with Director Park and my fellow actors.”
Lastly, Kim Kang-Woo plays the role of 'Paul', who is a foreign intelligenct agency agent. His character adds tension to the plot as he also challenges his way to discard the last sample of the tyrant program. Kim Kang-Woo said, “I am excited to be able to meet the audience in a genre I have always wanted to take on and am thrilled to be working with such a strong team of actors and staff.”
The movie ‘Tyrant’ began filming last week on Januray 2nd. Keep a look out for further updates.