At midnight on January 3rd, Blackpink’s Jisoo opened a YouTube channel. Within just ten hours after its opening, the channel recorded 960,000 subscribers. In less than one day, the channel recorded 1 million subscribers, proving Jisoo’s global popularity.
For the first video, Jisoo uploaded a ‘London vlog’, which showed close-ups of the star strolling around the streets of London during the European tour.
Blackpink’s member Lisa also made an appearance in the vlog, making fans ecstatic as the two enjoyed leisure time together. Jisoo revealed an episode of dining at a Korean restaurant in London and drinking ‘somaek’ (a mixture of soju and maekju) together with Lisa.
Within ten hours, the vlog clip exceeded over 2.2 million views.
In particular, Jisoo posted on the video to reveal that “all profit made from the channel with a happiness index of 103% will be delivered to those in need of help." Fans responded by saying that they were moved by Jisoo's good heart.