Recently, singer and actress Hyeri posted several photos on her Instagram, to boast a coffee truck sent by Blackpink’s Jisoo. The caption read, "Even though my love ‘Kim Jji-Shoong’ (nickname of Jisoo) is busy with her world tour, she sent me a coffee truck with churros and snacks. Thank you so much for taking care of me. Jisoo you are the best~ I love you."
In the post, Hyeri is seen standing in front of the colorful coffee truck, which is regularly seen on film sets sent by celebrities to each other in support of filming. It is obvious from the post that the two are close friends.
Hyeri is currently shooting for MBC's new drama 'May I Help You', where Hyeri plays the lead female act of ‘Baek Dong-Ju’ who is a funeral director and has the special talent of seeing and talking to dead people, granting the wishes of the dead.